New Team Member

New Team Member

McConnell HR Consulting Inc. is pleased to welcome a new addition to our team. Beau (Mr. B.) regularly attends staff meetings and greatly enhances our company culture and morale. He brings 12 weeks life experience to the role. His performance objectives include:...
Top Seven Warning Signs of Poor Organization Design

Top Seven Warning Signs of Poor Organization Design

Do these symptoms exist in your office?  Let’s examine the case of the ABC Agency (name protected). Silos – Lack of Inter-Office Coordination An international aid agency had a mandate to deliver health programs for children in Less Developed Countries.  They had...
McConnell HRC’s Consulting Work Environment

McConnell HRC’s Consulting Work Environment

I was asked the other day to describe McConnell HRC’s consulting work environment. We run a pure 24/7/365 operation. Our personal and work lives resemble the intertwined ribbons of the DNA helix depicted on the cover of my book. With a strong emphasis on the former,...
Merit Pay Programs for Non Profits

Merit Pay Programs for Non Profits

Our Non-Profit (NPO) clients regularly ask us about Incentive Pay and Merit Pay programs for their organization. These inquiries are often driven by their Board of Directors and/or their CEO / Executive Director. The concept sounds great on the surface – let’s not be...
A Few Words about Process Flow

A Few Words about Process Flow

Our Experience In the famous movie The Sixth Sense, Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) tells Bruce Willis ‘I see dead people’.  Don’t worry, we don’t claim to do that. We do claim however, to ‘see’ process flows, especially ones that aren’t functioning properly.  It’s like...
Industry Agnosticism

Industry Agnosticism

It’s amazing how many people are stuck in their grooves. To the point where “stay in your lane” is a common saying. “Who are you?”. People ask us this question all the time. We walked into an automotive supply corporation the other day and the President asked: “who...